How can a person's self-presentation communicate both independence and desire for acceptance at the same time?

People form impressions of us whenever we are in public, but we are not always actively monitoring or regulating those impressions. In many situations, our self-presentations are automatic and habitual, and we are devoting little conscious attention to how we are being perceived by others. In other situations we become acutely aware of the impressions. Being ignored or shunned by others can increase self-presentational concerns. Sometimes this makes you motivate yourself in making positive impressions to those around you. People are more attentive when they are interacting with casual acquaintances and business associates than when interacting with close friends, family members and loved ones.
The person that would like to project an impression of an independent one needs to possess an awareness, a cognitive ability called social acuity. People must be able to anticipate how their symbolic gestures will be interpreted by others. To create the desired impressions of independence and acceptance of others in the same time, the person needs to put himself in people's shoes and discern what behaviours would produce such impressions. So, the person needs to be assertive in relating to other people, to stand tall, to be positive about his/her actions. Through verbal claims the person can create these impressions. 

The person will act as an actor to establish the character. Self-confidence is a good trigger and a good strategy to be accepted by other people and to create the image of an independent person responsible for their actions. The person needs to possess positive interpersonal qualities, because he doesn't want to be perceived as being arrogant and superior to other people. It should come as no surprise that this can be accomplished through imitation, flattery, doing favors for someone and displaying positive personal traits.


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