
Se afișează postări din aprilie, 2019

Celebrating birthdays around the world

Let's start with the actual origins of  birthdays themselves they may have started with the ancient Egyptians like the Bible notes a Pharaoh's birthday although it's possible that could mean the date of the Pharaohs death like the day that he became a god.             In Denmark a Danish flag placed outside the home means that it's somebody's birthday if it's a child's birthday. The presents are usually placed on or around the child's bed so they can wake up surrounded by presents. Sometimes a cake man or a cake lady is served depending on whether the party is for a boy or a girl.  The head of the cake person is usually chopped off.            At birthday parties for children in  Australia and New Zealand you might find fairy bread which is white bread butter and sprinkles.            At a Brazilian birthday party  people might pull the ear lobes of the guest of honour.            In Hungary where there's in fact a rhyming song that a

Critical thinking in the English Language Classroom

   On 23rd of March I had the chance to meet John Hughes and Hetain Patel at    the National Geographic Learning Conference held in Bucharest. For Hetain, this was his first time in Romania. As a TED X Speaker he managed to make a point about the authenticity of English and "the problem" of being spoken all over the world with different accents. John Hughes offered more information about critical thinking for ELT Language Classroom. Critical thinking used in everyday lessons creates global citizens, makes learning relevant and enjoyable, prepares learners with the 21st century skills and teaches learners how to use English effectively. A lesson becomes successful and memorable because of the content that engages the student emotionally, spiritually, personally and professionally. The information needs to be the one that students want to understand. This content is most precious when it prompts questions that students/ pupils want to discuss about . It needs t o insp

Cand minti .... de fapt, stii ca ceilalti stiu?!

Minciuna reprezinta un act psihic complex, cu rezonanțe socio-culturale, ce vizează mai multe straturi: ontologice, gnoseologice, retorice, axiologice, antropologice, culturologice,  sociologice.  Ea este o formă de admnistrare eficientă a ficțiunii,  interesată în ireal, de îndepărtare prin limbaj sau gestică de la ceea ce îndeobște este recunoscut ca existent, ca adevărat, ca valoare. Minciuna puncteaza distanța dintre real și ireal prin mecanisme semiotice pentru că instrumentele  limbajelor verbale sau paraverbale sunt excelente mijloace de a trișa, de a ascunde, de a născoci.  Minciuna este o achiziție culturală ce se rafinează pe măsură ce subiectul ajunge la o anumită performanță cognitivă, dobândește o oarece experiență praxiologică, știe să selecteze și să ierarhizeze, dispune de o anumită performanță discursivă, este integrat în comunitate și are anumite interese. Nu minți doar de dragul de a minți. Mincinosul este un om bine situat. El știe ce vrea.