
Se afișează postări din noiembrie, 2020

Learning is Natural

Babies come out of the womb, and they want to learn. Some people describe this as a survival instinct, whatever they want to learn. As babies get older they still want to learn as they become young children - still survival? Part of the way education was ruined by the western middle-classes in the 60s was because educationalists recognised that children wanted to learn. And they recognised that a Natural way of learning was by discovery, and then, as is often the case with idealism, the mind lost control the ideals gained ascendancy and education suffered as discovery learning was not implemented successfully. And many traditionally accepted learning practices were lost. Whatever happened discovery learning became a mistake, and future generations are paying for an education system that had lost discipline and Virtue. Nature's Wisdom was listened to only in part. Somehow learning has to be restored to the process Nature intended; and of course that has to be difficult as Nature did

"Secretul Doctorului Honigberger" si „Tărâmul nevăzut”

  In iarna anului 1940, Mircea Eliade publică în "Revista Fundaţiilor Regale", " Secretul doctorului Honigberger" , un text în care, după propria-i mărturisire, autorul a combinat evenimente reale şi elemente imaginare.  Aşadar, un tânăr cercetător acceptă oferta soţiei doctorului Zerlendi şi începe să cerceteze, mai întâi, imensa şi rarissima bibliotecă în care mai păşise, înainte, o singură persoană competentă : Bucura Dumbravă . Nu este un nume inventat, ci  chiar al  preşedintei Societăţii Teozofice Române, personaj caricatuziat de Mateiu Caragiale în Craii de Curtea Veche sub transparentul Papura Jilavă. Eliade, tînăr orientalist, (nuvela este scrisă la persoana I), revenit în Bucureşti după o călătorie în India, este invitat de către o doamnă necunoscută să cerceteze biblioteca şi colecţiile orientale ale soţului ei, doctorul Zerlendi, dispărut în condiţii misterioase, cu mai bine de douăzeci de ani în urmă. Cercetînd materialele pe care doctorul le strînsese

Mind Control

 În toată lumea, in secolul al XXI-lea,  controlul mintii se face in mod electronic prin intermediul turnurilor de telefonie mobila. Pentru acoperirea asa zisei arii de telecomunicatii prin telefonul mobil sunt construite tehnologii de control de stat aservite asa zisei Noi Ordini Mondiale, care sunt îndreptate spre tine, spre vecinii tai şi catre toti cei dragi. În fiecare zi echipamentul acesta este instalat în orice ţară ce isi doreste sa fie "dezvoltata", cu scopul ascuns de exercitare a controlului asupra minţii întregii populaţii de pe planeta.         Aceste ELF / turnuri care emit unde microunde sunt destul de puternice in intensitate. Antenele sunt construite din cate patru placi usor curbate verticale de aproximativ 2 metri în lungime şi localizate la  două treimi de la sol. Nimic neobisnuit... veti spune. Se va  observa, de asemenea, mai multe dintre acestea inmultindu-se, odată ce aţi început să acordati atentie acestui fenomen.        Nimeni nu spune nimic, dar s

A Globally-Aware World View

A significant aspect of the Hidden Curriculum in Western schools is to engender pride in the home country and to develop xenophobia concerning non-western peoples. Whilst the intellectual minds of western educationalists could never express this formally - or at best regret it, it is undoubtedly true that the majority of students who leave western schools believe their own countries are the best, other western countries are almost as good, and non-western countries might be pleasant to visit for an adventure but that's it. How true are these views? Travel has to be an integral part of the process. Over time ecosophy schools might develop their own links. However such projects could reinforce the negative western stereotypes, on my own travels I have met many westerners whose selective views have increased their own bigotry despite abundant evidence to the contrary. Significant in developing an appropriate world view is the opportunity for students to receive balanced input of infor

Our Nature - School Identity

  Problems exist in our society because of what is sometimes termed ownership .  Explain vandalism. It is just so crazy that phones are vandalised - sure they profit phone companies but …. vandalism hurts each other. People hurt so much they want to hurt each other meaninglessly. Such acts are extended into acts of war. How can people be hurting so much that they want to commit suicide and kill others? Whatever the politics these acts are unnatural, why do we want to hurt our own Nature? Acts of vandalism occur in schools. Why? They are places of learning for those students as well. We have examined the hijack, and this explains it but is that enough? We need an identity of living and working together. How many people see life in their home and life out there as different? They are not able to identify and withdraw to the haven of their home. Because they cannot feel they are part of their society and because they feel they cannot influence their government, it is understandable why th