
Se afișează postări din februarie, 2019

How mindfulness empowers us

How mindfulness empowers us


Exista trei tipuri de iertare, toate au legătură intre ele. Există iertarea de sine , care te ajută să te eliberezi de vină și perfecționism. Există și iertarea pe care o acordăm celorlalti din viata noastră și pe care o primim la rândul nostru. Și mai există și i ertarea cereasca care vine de la Dzeu, cea care ne dă valoare și ne intărește. Toate tradițiile spirituale vorbesc despre iertare, însă multor oameni li se pare utopică. Trebuie sa începi de undeva. Privește conștient in tine!


We have all got two wolves in a suit. A good one and a bad one. They both want to eat the best. I just say we need to feed the good one than the other one. Happiness is an emotional response to an outcome. If I win I will be happy if I don't, I won't. It's an IF -Then cause and effect that we cannot sustain because people immediately raise it everytime  we attain it.  See, hapiness demands a certain outcome, it is result reliant and I say if hapiness is what you're after, then you're going to be let down frequently and you're going to be unhappy most of your time. Joy is different. It's something else. It's not a choice, it's not a response to some result, it's a constant. Joy is the feeling of what we have from doing what we are fashioned to do, no matter the outcome. Now, personally, I am happy doing my work because it doesn't just define me, I am more than this.. Whenever I worked with joy I received more accolades and respect.

Energetically connected

   We're always asking ourselves while we lay in our beds staring at our ceiling or out in the field staring at the sky: what is life, what is our purpose, what is the meaning of it all , as if some part of us was saying it's just not real, it's just something keeping us here entertaining us; keeping us involved and in some ways every time we think about slipping away into some deeper state of mind some form of inner peace, there's always something that takes us away some simplicity of life. Friends and families are pulling you by the arm: come along with us, watch this, do this, do that. I mean while we always wonder what is life as if something was watching us, something observing us, wondering is this the one, is this one different than all the others. And yet as soon as we begin to drift away something else shudders and strikes our life to