Energetically connected

   We're always asking ourselves while we lay in our beds staring at our ceiling or out in the field staring at the sky: what is life, what is our purpose, what is the meaning of it all, as if some part of us was saying it's just not real, it's just something keeping us here entertaining us; keeping us involved and in some ways every time we think about slipping away into some deeper state of mind some form of inner peace, there's always something that takes us away some simplicity of life. Friends and families are pulling you by the arm: come along with us, watch this, do this, do that. I mean while we always wonder what is life as if something was watching us, something observing us, wondering is this the one, is this one different than all the others. And yet as soon as we begin to drift away something else shudders and strikes our life to drag us back into the drama of it and it just seems after a while time and after time as we grow smarter and wiser, we begin to see things seem to repeat themselves over and over, of course, they are all uniquely different, but in some ways it just seems to be the same,... in just a different way.

    I'd like to introduce you Professor Sylvester James Gates Jr. He is a theoretical physicist who received his Bachelors of Science in  Mathematics and Physics, he serves President Barack Obama's Council of Advisors on science and technolog. He says: I never expected that the movie The Matrix might be an accurate representation of the place in which I live so this brings us back to the same question: when we stare off into the sky keep in mind everyone doesn't do this, at least not like some of us do, we see and we feel something different, something that says something isn't right.

We go back thousands of years ago to the shamans ,the Vedic, the mystics, the seekers of higher truth who separated themselves from everybody else in the world from everything in the world because they knew that something was just distracting them as if it was trying to hold them in a certain state of mind saying this is reality and by separating themselves from everything in everyone up in their caves out in the jungle they dug deep within their mind whether it was psychedelics or drugs which showed them some weird technology.

With Energy fields or structural energy or just deep deep meditations within their mind, they began to push deeper and deeper. For you see, when you have nothing else around you, you tend to go within and within. It's like looking deeper and deeper within your consciousness like a super powerful microscope and you go through these thresholds as you go deeper and deeper within your mind as long as there's nothing outside bothering you nothing to distract you to snap you into what we think is reality.

 You go deeper and deeper and you battle your own mind and you move past everything that you think that you see and finally when you get down deep enough to the most micro micro levels exactly what  Sylvester James Gates was talking about, you find these unusual patterns, patterns that we're
finding now in science in quantum physics and supersymmetry science, in other words we are finding the same thing they found thousands of years ago out in the jungles and in the caves, a center of the mind, a center of the universe, something that said here is the greater truth, the greatest truth of reality.

 This is what everything is made of. It's all following patterns, it's all following a program and if you can understand this program, if you can conceive it, if you can comprehend it as you push deeper, deeper and deeper down to the depths of the finest, finest structures, if your mind can comprehend what you see, which we would understand and today our knowledge of science, our civilizations are beginning to comprehend his code.

 That's what's there, that's what these Vedic masters were finding within their deepest deepest mind when they separated everything that they wore everything that they believed everything that they thought just removed everything that kept clawing and pulling and pushing on them to keep them in some kind of static state of mind just moving along they went so deep within their mind they discovered the ultimate level of reality and in so, the ability to change reality.

If they found the code, the very structure that was written and they were part of that code and they could self realize, self become aware, this is what consciousness is. This is what self realization is,  this is awakening.

 When you hear the word awakening what does that really mean?
It means that you begin to see reality in a different way you no longer see what everybody else sees, you see something different, you see more and that is realization, that is awakening from asleep that is a consciousness level when you look out the world and you see the patterns and the structures and you see that these patterns and these structures are repetitive it's as if we are collective following a pattern that we are becoming predictable in life

As we develop technology we begin to see the world, we begin to predict what human behavior is, we  predict behavior of animals and species and water currents and atmosphere changes and eventually as our technology gets more and more and more advanced we will be able to predict the future without the future really being written but actually, somehow being able to look at the architecture of reality and understand that everything is governed by some former program some reality that's that's governed and we're part of it . Every living thing, everything is as if it was programmed or designed.

Some say it was designed by God, some say maybe it's a greater program, some say it's maybe just some computer process that's running in the future and we are all part of that petri dish of a program running.

 I find it ironic that we're stuck on a planet that's just circular we can walk and walk and walk and we just come around to the other side it's as if  we don't want something to happen on this computer program.

So, let's make sure that doesn't run into any interference of other programs out there so we'll stick it on a ball and then it just will cultivate and cultivate and cultivate, like a peachy dish ,not tampered with, until, eventually, it evolves to a level that it springs wings and it can fly out of its peachy drip or in this particular case off of itself outside of itself and then we can see what new equations it will run when it mixes and blends with new species out in the universe, as if something was observing us, watching us aware of us like a computer being able to sense so many millions and trillions and infinitive amounts of variables conscious of them all knowing that all of them are energetically connected.


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