
Se afișează postări din 2019

that's not my job!

    This is the story about four people called: EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY and  NOBODY.  There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it.  ANYBODY could have done it, but NOBODY did it. SOMEBODY got angry about it, because it was EVERYBODY's job. EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it, but NOBODY realised that EVERYBODY wouldn't do it. It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could have done it. :) Copyright © Author: Mihaela Bozanchi. 2008-2020


What is the first thing that comes to your mind before opening your mouth? 1. USE JUDGEMENT. Do my words need filtering? 2. INTENTION. Am I saying something to hurt the other person? 3. CHOICE. Is this something that I need to say? 4. COMPASSION. Can I understand how the other person feels? 5. EMPATHY. Can I see the other person's point of view? 6. DID I LISTEN PROPERLY? Did I give the other person the chance to explain or apologise? 7. WILL THIS EMBARASS THE PERSON? Is there a better way/ time/ place to say it? 8. ARE MY WORDS RESPECTFUL? How would I feel if someone said this to me? Copyright © Author: Mihaela Bozanchi. 2008-2020

Don't say "Everything will be alright"!

It seems contradictory to everything we have been taught, and it is probably not  how we were raised. Having a soothing parental figure' s assurance that all will be fine may not be as helpful as we think. The truth is, we cannot guarantee that everything will be okay in some situations. It's more helpful to validate the feeling and reassure your child that you will be available to help him/ her. "This is really hard right now. I'm sorry your friend won't play with you. Talking about it can help you feel better." The goal here is not to make everything tolerable for your child. Rather, it is to help him/ her learn how to process and best cope with difficult circumstances.

Don't make your child's life easy!

Challenges and adversity really do help us stretch our mental muscle, explore alternative options and encourage us to learn new coping skills. Rushing in to rescue or fix problematic situations for your child doesn't help her/ him grow in the direction you may most desire. Help your child learn to think for herself / himself! We don't have to erase all of our children's problems, but we do need to make them learn coping skills.

Birth order and your personality

1. FIRST BORNS - achiever - perfectionist - bossy - responsible - motivated - conscientious - controlling - cautious - reliable 3. MIDDLE BORNS - adaptable - go-between - independent - people- pleaser - can be rebelious - feels left out - peacemaker - social 3. LAST BORNS - social - charming - outgoing - uncomplicated - manipulative - seeks attention - self-centered - fun 4. THE ONLY CHILD - confident - conscientious - responsible - perfectionist - center of attention - mature for their age - seek approval - sensitive - leader

How to interrupt someone when you need to ask a question

1. Sorry to interrupt but may I ask a quick question? 2. I'm sorry for interrupting but I'd like to make sure I understood you correctly. 3. I don't mean to be rude but I'd like to ask a question.

Healthy ways to deal with anger

Anger has a bit of a bad reputation and many of us do not have a healthy relationship with anger, but it is never too late to turn it around. We can develop a healthy relationship with the emotion and learn how to use the energy  it carries in healthy ways. 1. NO HASTY DECISIONS 2. THERAPEUTIC WRITING 3. PRACTISE TO GET RID OF IT 4. TAKE A NAP you will feel much better after and everything will be in a different light. 5. CHAT WITH FRIENDS Ask for sound advice from your best friends. 6. LET GO OF EXPECTATIONS Take a break from what you do and examine yours and others expectations and let go. 7. MEDITATE Slow down your mind 8. PRAY Ask for assistance from higher power or express gratitude.

Strong people have strong souls

1. What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens. 2. Don't allow your wounds to transform you into someone you are not. 3. You will never have to force anything that is meant to be. 4. The only thing you can control is how you treat yourself. And that one thing can change everything. 5. Expect problems and eat them for breakfast. 6. A strong soul shines after every storm. 7. What irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. 8. I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be. Copyright © Author: Mihaela Bozanchi. 2008-2020

Basic skills for children

1. Following directions 2. Using manners 3. Having a positive attitude 4. Staying on task 5. Accepting criticism/ consequence 6. Using polite words 7. Disagreeing appropriately 8. Saying "HELLO" 9. Having patience 10. Being active 11. Listening 12. Working with others 13. Good hygiene 14. Accepting "No" for an answer 15. Asking permission 16. Taking turns 17. Asking for help 18. Making an apology 19. Resisting peer pressure 20. Celebrating successes 21. Waiting until speaker is done before speaking 22. Being a good friend 23. Being kind 24. Accepting differences 25. Sharing ideas 26. Making eye contact 27. Staying with the team 28. Complimenting others 29. Respecting others' opinion 30. Thinking before speaking 31. Recognising feelings of oneself 32. Recognising feelings of others 33. Compromising 34. Negotiating 35. Participating 35. Understanding that ther actions impact others Copyrigh

Instead of "HOW WAS YOUR DAY?" what question would you ask your child?

1. What made you smile today? 2. Can you give me an example of kindness you saw/ showed? 3. What did you do that was creative today? 4. Who did you sit with at lunch? 5. Was anyone absent today? 6. Tell me something you know today that you didn't know yesterday. 7. Did you like your lunch? 8. What was the hardest rule to follow today? 9. If you could change something about your day what would it be? 10. What made your teacher smile? 11. What made your teacher frown? 12. If you could switch seats with anyone in the class , who would it be? And why? 13. WHAT KIND OF PERSON WERE YOU TODAY? Copyright © Author: Mihaela Bozanchi. 2008-2020

Create memories with your children

1. Read together 2. Watch family videos 3. Go shopping 4.  Go for a walk 5. Prepare dinner together 6. Spend a day away from home 7. Sing in the car 8. Watch films together 9. Go for a picnic 10. Play in the snow 11. Stargaze 12. Dance 13. Take photos together 14. Eat ice cream together 15. Decorate their room 16. Learn a new skill together 17. Go on a bike ride 18. Make a craft 19. Draw pictures 20. Go camping 21 Visit a water park 22. Play tag 23. Have a water fight 24. Take a hike 25. Teach them something 26. Do something you both like 27. Swim 28. Have traditions 29. Cuddle 30. Find sea shells 31. Blow bubbles 32. Visit a National Park 33. Feed ducks 34. PLay hide and seek 35. Plant a tree 36. Make popcorn 37. Play in the rain 38. Tell jokes 39. Cheer them on at events 40. Be PRESENT Copyright © Author: Mihaela Bozanchi. 2008-202

How to disagree and be polite in the same time

1. I agree with you to a point, but... 2. I 'm sorry, but I just can't agree... 3.I understand what you are saying , however... 4. I wonder if it's true that... 5. I see what you are saying , but... 6. I'm not sure whether it's possible. 7. Sorry, but I really can't agree to that . 8. Hmmm, I'm not sure it can work like that. 9. I'm not sure it's the best idea. 10. I don't think I can agree with you.

When you are trapped in your own psychological drama

              To understand your psychological process and your drama, it’s got nothing to do with reality. Is it so?  Your psychological drama has nothing to do with the reality here.  Hundreds of people can be sitting  in their own mind space, but with  hundred different worlds.              When you sit and meditate or work at your computer, your kidney is functioning, your liver is functioning, you have no problem! Only when your brain is functioning... you have a problem. Why??? Because you are not identified with your kidney function. But, you are super identified with your thought process and emotions.           Tell me, in twenty-four hours’ time, how many moments did you look at something? For most people there isn't a single moment or some people have few moments of thought and rest.           If you are life/ alive then, you have a body, emotions, a home, this and that... all accessories. But you are experiencing all accessories, but, is there experience of life o

Teachers open the door, but you enter by yourself

Teachers are probably some of the most influential people in an individual's life. Who hasn't heard of famous people who owe much of their success to a dedicated teacher? From my point of view, teachers are the ones that introduce students to the complex world of learning, but it's the students' choice whether they want to be part of it or not. Firstly, students make their own decisions and even if they are shown the way it's up to them to pursue the opportunities they are given and make the best of their life. You can't be forced to be curious or hard-working. It's true that teachers can motivate people, they can encourage them to fulfill their potential, but in the end, it's the student who takes the right steps in that direction. Secondly, teachers won't always be there for you. Students have to want to become independent, to develop and grow. Teachers guide us, show us the way, give us a lot of information, but we must choose the tools giv

Celebrating birthdays around the world

Let's start with the actual origins of  birthdays themselves they may have started with the ancient Egyptians like the Bible notes a Pharaoh's birthday although it's possible that could mean the date of the Pharaohs death like the day that he became a god.             In Denmark a Danish flag placed outside the home means that it's somebody's birthday if it's a child's birthday. The presents are usually placed on or around the child's bed so they can wake up surrounded by presents. Sometimes a cake man or a cake lady is served depending on whether the party is for a boy or a girl.  The head of the cake person is usually chopped off.            At birthday parties for children in  Australia and New Zealand you might find fairy bread which is white bread butter and sprinkles.            At a Brazilian birthday party  people might pull the ear lobes of the guest of honour.            In Hungary where there's in fact a rhyming song that a

Critical thinking in the English Language Classroom

   On 23rd of March I had the chance to meet John Hughes and Hetain Patel at    the National Geographic Learning Conference held in Bucharest. For Hetain, this was his first time in Romania. As a TED X Speaker he managed to make a point about the authenticity of English and "the problem" of being spoken all over the world with different accents. John Hughes offered more information about critical thinking for ELT Language Classroom. Critical thinking used in everyday lessons creates global citizens, makes learning relevant and enjoyable, prepares learners with the 21st century skills and teaches learners how to use English effectively. A lesson becomes successful and memorable because of the content that engages the student emotionally, spiritually, personally and professionally. The information needs to be the one that students want to understand. This content is most precious when it prompts questions that students/ pupils want to discuss about . It needs t o insp

Cand minti .... de fapt, stii ca ceilalti stiu?!

Minciuna reprezinta un act psihic complex, cu rezonanțe socio-culturale, ce vizează mai multe straturi: ontologice, gnoseologice, retorice, axiologice, antropologice, culturologice,  sociologice.  Ea este o formă de admnistrare eficientă a ficțiunii,  interesată în ireal, de îndepărtare prin limbaj sau gestică de la ceea ce îndeobște este recunoscut ca existent, ca adevărat, ca valoare. Minciuna puncteaza distanța dintre real și ireal prin mecanisme semiotice pentru că instrumentele  limbajelor verbale sau paraverbale sunt excelente mijloace de a trișa, de a ascunde, de a născoci.  Minciuna este o achiziție culturală ce se rafinează pe măsură ce subiectul ajunge la o anumită performanță cognitivă, dobândește o oarece experiență praxiologică, știe să selecteze și să ierarhizeze, dispune de o anumită performanță discursivă, este integrat în comunitate și are anumite interese. Nu minți doar de dragul de a minți. Mincinosul este un om bine situat. El știe ce vrea. 


      The older I get, the more I understand that it's okay to live a life others don't undertstand.      Being considered crazy by those who are still victims of cultural conditioning is a compliment.        People hate what they can't understand. It is quick for a STUDENT to judge his MASTER, a MASTER never judges his student, he teaches him...and one day the STUDENT becomes the MASTER.              We are all born with different ingredients but all of us have the potential to teach and to learn. It is a never ending lesson this short adventure we call LIFE.        Never close your mind and think you know everything, that is impossible and will only slow down your process of becoming THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF.

6 Benefits for playing outdoor

There are six benefits for playing outside that can help children and parents, too : 1.   Sunshine . Our bodies need sun to make vitamin D, a vitamin that plays an important role to process from bone development to our immune system. Sun exposure also plays an important role for our immune system in other ways, as well as in healthy sleep and in our mood. Our bodies work best when they get some sunshine every day. 2.  Exercise . We know children like playing a lot. Maybe, nowadays, they like playing too much on the computer or a tablet. But still, going outside to play is one way to be sure that they are active. They can definetely exercise indoors, but sending them outdoors — especially with something like a ball, roller skates or a bike — encourages active play, which is really the best exercise for children. 3.  Executive skills.  We think about the skills that help us plan, prioritize, troubleshoot, negotiate, and multitask; they are so important for our success.

How mindfulness empowers us

How mindfulness empowers us


Exista trei tipuri de iertare, toate au legătură intre ele. Există iertarea de sine , care te ajută să te eliberezi de vină și perfecționism. Există și iertarea pe care o acordăm celorlalti din viata noastră și pe care o primim la rândul nostru. Și mai există și i ertarea cereasca care vine de la Dzeu, cea care ne dă valoare și ne intărește. Toate tradițiile spirituale vorbesc despre iertare, însă multor oameni li se pare utopică. Trebuie sa începi de undeva. Privește conștient in tine!


We have all got two wolves in a suit. A good one and a bad one. They both want to eat the best. I just say we need to feed the good one than the other one. Happiness is an emotional response to an outcome. If I win I will be happy if I don't, I won't. It's an IF -Then cause and effect that we cannot sustain because people immediately raise it everytime  we attain it.  See, hapiness demands a certain outcome, it is result reliant and I say if hapiness is what you're after, then you're going to be let down frequently and you're going to be unhappy most of your time. Joy is different. It's something else. It's not a choice, it's not a response to some result, it's a constant. Joy is the feeling of what we have from doing what we are fashioned to do, no matter the outcome. Now, personally, I am happy doing my work because it doesn't just define me, I am more than this.. Whenever I worked with joy I received more accolades and respect.

Energetically connected

   We're always asking ourselves while we lay in our beds staring at our ceiling or out in the field staring at the sky: what is life, what is our purpose, what is the meaning of it all , as if some part of us was saying it's just not real, it's just something keeping us here entertaining us; keeping us involved and in some ways every time we think about slipping away into some deeper state of mind some form of inner peace, there's always something that takes us away some simplicity of life. Friends and families are pulling you by the arm: come along with us, watch this, do this, do that. I mean while we always wonder what is life as if something was watching us, something observing us, wondering is this the one, is this one different than all the others. And yet as soon as we begin to drift away something else shudders and strikes our life to

Perspectiva Filosofică a Iubirii

Aici avem mai mult o aglomerare de metafore și de nuanțe fine a ceea ce este sau nu este iubirea, sau cum se comportă un om când este iubit sau când nu este iubit. Mai jos găsiți doar câteva abordări: Să dărui totul, să sacrifici totul fără speranță de răsplată; asta înseamnă iubire. – Albert Camus A iubi înseamnă ceva, restul nu e nimic. – Alfred de Musset Iubirea, bucuria și pacea nu pot înflori până când nu v-ați eliberat de sub dominația minții. – Eckhart Tolle Dragostea este sfințenie plus sexualitate. – Emil Cioran Iubirea este cea mai mare forță a omenirii și, totuși, este cea mai modestă pe care ne-am putea-o închipui. – Mahatma Gandhi Suferința apare atunci când așteptăm ca ceilalți să ne iubească în felul dorit de noi. – Paulo Coelho Iubirea e o floare foarte plăcută, dar trebuie să ai curajul să te duci s-o culegi de pe marginile unei prăpastii înfricoșătoare. – Stendhal

Critical thinking for your children

Parents need to spend more quality time with their children, teaching them those skills that they get by just growing up. Critical thinking means helping children make connections with the real world. It s about helping your child evaluate informatiom that is presented to them from a different point of view.  How can you do that? A simple strategy would be to ask for clarity and precision. This simple strategy will force your child to think more profound, to re-think what he/she wants to say and to find a better way to express himself/herself. Ask questions like, "What other ideas could we try?" or encourage your child to generate options by saying, "Let’s think of all the possible solutions." Let me give you some examples of strategic sentences. When your child says ”You never play with me!”You might say ”Never, ever!?” or ”Everybody has one” You might say ”Who exactly?”. Another way would be to help him/her form hypotheses. Try asking your child, "I primesti!

Daca vrei ca o persoana sa te placa, cere-i o mica favoare. Cei mai multi vor accepta sa te ajute daca este vorba de ceva simplu. Iar acest gest va crea un sentiment de colaborare si vei fi acceptat ca membru al echipei. Daca incerci sa-ti faci loc pe o strada aglomerata, priveste fix spre locul in care vrei sa ajungi. Oamenii privesc in mod subconstient in ochii celor din jur pentru a-si croi propriul drum. Astfel, vor intelege in mod instinctiv unde vrei sa ajungi si iti vor face loc. Daca vrei sa ceri ajutorul cuiva pentru a duce ceva greu, inmaneaza-i lucrul respectiv in timp ce vorbiti. Majoritatea oamenilor sunt mai atenti la ceea ce spun decat la ceea ce fac si vor lua instinctiv ceea ce le inmanezi. Chiar si daca isi dau seama de ceea ce faci, vor prefera sa te ajute decat sa te intrerupa. Cand vrei sa verifici daca o persoana te urmareste din priviri, casca. Daca persoana respectiva casca si ea, inseamna ca nu te scapa din ochi. Daca vrei ca cineva sa se com

Be there for your child!

First lesson of happiness is the greatest gift. You can offer your children in their first seven years. But the first three years are crucial, after they pass you can relax. If not, then you will be practicing remedy or parenting for DECADES. Most parents have problems in understanding what it means to be there for his/her child. Most parents are busy waiting for them to get old so that they can talk and share moments. What they need to understand is that the REAL RELATIONSHIP DOES NOT DEPEND ON WORDS. It DEPENDS ON THE CAPACITY OF BEING WITH. It is like you welcome your child in your presence, to feel overjoyed in your presence. That is what your child needs from the parent and that is communicated with body language and everything to the energy that you expand. They cannot say it in words, but they can feel it. Mothers tend to have a closer bond with their child, whereas the father tends to visit them. You know, the father goes to work and visits home for a couple of hour