
Se afișează postări din 2009

The Mysterious Stones of Death Valley

It is one big mystery that a stone that weighs more or less like a man can move on its own. This has become quite a puzzle for the past decade. The mysterious sailing stones of Death Valley have been discovered to slide over valleys that people do not live in. These valleys are filled with dry cracking muddy ground during summer and ice during winter. Many geologists have gone to all the places in Racetrack Playa and its surrounding. The mysterious sailing stones of Death Valley slide on very smooth ground and leave a trail behind. Some geologists came up with the conclusion that the mysterious sailing stones of death valley move through the smooth ground when the mud is wet and the stones have little ice droplets on them with the help of the wind. This is however not entirely true because the stones move during the summer when the temperature is too high and even dries the stones themselves.The mysterious sailing stones of Death Valley not only slide on sm


--> Cleopatra's Palace in Alexandria (Egypt) Off the shores of Alexandria, the city of Alexander the Great , lies what is believed to be the ruins of the royal quarters of Cleopatra . A team of marine archaeologists led by Frenchman Franck Goddio made excavations on this ancient city from where Cleopatra, the last queen of the Ptolemies, ruled Egypt. Historians believe this site was submerged by earthquakes and tidal waves more than 1,600 years ago. The excavations concentrated on the submerged island of Antirhodus. Cleopatra is said to have had a palace there. Other discoveries include a well-preserved shipwreck and red granite columns with Greek inscriptions. Two statues were also found and were lifted out of the harbour. One was a priest of the goddess Isis ; the other a sphinx whose face is said to represent Cleopatra's father, King Ptolemy XII. The artifacts were returned to their silent, because the Egyptian Government says it wants to leave most of

10 Animale Interesante - hibrid

Zebroid = Zebra + Equine Liger = Lion + Tiger Beefalo = Buffalo + Cow Cama = Camel + Llama Leopon = Leopard + Lion Savannah = Serval + Domestic Cat Grizzly Polar = Polar Bear + Brown Bear Toast of Botswana = Sheep + Goat Blood parrot = Midas Cichild + Red Devil fish Hybrid Pheasant = Golden + Amherst Pheasant

Esti un produs social! a chameleon!

Zi-le oamenilor ce vor să audă și o să fii cel mai bun în ochii lor, fă ce spun ei și o să te respecte, oferă-le doar ce au nevoie și o să fie mulțumiți de cadoul perfect, încadrează-te în tiparele lor și o să fii persoana perfectă și nicicum, dar nicicum nu îndrăzni să spui ce crezi, să faci ce vrei, să le oferi ce socoți tu că-i bine, și să ieși din tiparele lor, ar fi catastrofal, ți-ai pierde buna reputație, ai fi socotit rău sau chiar mai mult ai rămâne singur. Nu îți dau un sfat, nici nu am dreptul să o fac pentru că eu prea des procedez la fel, ofer ce mi se cere și spun doar ce doresc ceilalți să audă, iar dacă, întâmplător am scăpat vreo faptă, vorbă pe alături atunci mă pierd în mulțime devin o parte din toți, care la fel ca mine, au îndrăznit să treacă de granițele sistemului. De fapt, soarele încă strălucește, seara mai apare luna pe cer iar stelele încă pot fi văzute acolo, e bine asta ... semn de stabilitate.... :)

Lacuri in cratere de munti - foarte frumos

Lacul Atitlán, America Centrala, civilizatia Maya Lacul Taupo, Noua Zeelanda Lacul Nyos, Cameron Lacul Ojos del Salado Lacul Nemrut , Turcia Lacul Manicouagan , Canada Lake Vico   Muntele Katmai   Rano Kau Crater Lake, America de Nord Blue Lake, Australia Lacul Toba, Indonezia