6 Benefits for playing outdoor

There are six benefits for playing outside that can help children and parents, too :

1.   Sunshine. Our bodies need sun to make vitamin D, a vitamin that plays an important role to process from bone development to our immune system. Sun exposure also plays an important role for our immune system in other ways, as well as in healthy sleep and in our mood. Our bodies work best when they get some sunshine every day.
2.  Exercise. We know children like playing a lot. Maybe, nowadays, they like playing too much on the computer or a tablet. But still, going outside to play is one way to be sure that they are active. They can definetely exercise indoors, but sending them outdoors — especially with something like a ball, roller skates or a bike — encourages active play, which is really the best exercise for children.
3.  Executive skills. We think about the skills that help us plan, prioritize, troubleshoot, negotiate, and multitask; they are so important for our success. Creativity is also important here and, in the same time, using our imagination to problem-solve and entertain ourselves. These are skills that must be learned and practiced — and to do this, children need unstructured time. They need time alone and with other children, and to be allowed (or perhaps forced) to make up their own games, figure things out, and amuse themselves. Being outside gives them opportunities to practice these important life skills.
4.  Taking risks. Children need to take some risks. As parents, this makes us anxious; we want our children to be safe. But if we keep them in bubbles and never let them take any risks, they won’t know what they can do — and they may not have the confidence to face some inevitable risks. Yes, you can break a finger or hurt your leg from playing — and yes, you can be humiliated when you try to make a friend and get rejected. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try; the lessons we learn from failure are just as important as those we learn from success.
5.  Socialization. Children need to learn how to work and play together. They need to learn to make friends, how to share and cooperate, how to treat other people. If they only interact in very structured settings, such as school or sports teams, they won’t — they can’t — learn everything they need to know.
6.  Appreciation of nature. So much of our world is changing, and not for the better. Unfortunately… If a child grows up never walking in the woods, digging in soil, seeing animals and bugs in their own habitat, climbing a mountain, playing in a stream, or staring at the endless horizon of an ocean, they may never really understand what there is to be lost. The future of our planet depends on our children; they need to learn to appreciate it.
Dear parents, you should do this for your children. Help them learn beautifully, in a natural environment. Go with them and have fun!


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