Teachers open the door, but you enter by yourself

Teachers are probably some of the most influential people in an individual's life. Who hasn't heard of famous people who owe much of their success to a dedicated teacher? From my point of view, teachers are the ones that introduce students to the complex world of learning, but it's the students' choice whether they want to be part of it or not.

Firstly, students make their own decisions and even if they are shown the way it's up to them to pursue the opportunities they are given and make the best of their life. You can't be forced to be curious or hard-working. It's true that teachers can motivate people, they can encourage them to fulfill their potential, but in the end, it's the student who takes the right steps in that direction.

Secondly, teachers won't always be there for you. Students have to want to become independent, to develop and grow. Teachers guide us, show us the way, give us a lot of information, but we must choose the tools given by our teachers and be successful. We must have the initiative to apply what we've been taught so that we become successful.

All in all, I consider that we have to take responsibility for our own learning and not to expect our teachers to do everything for us. We have to be willing to put in the time and effort. If we don't have the drive to succeed, we are not going to do it.

Copyright © mimo-justbelieve.blogspot.com
Author: Mihaela Bozanchi. 2008-2020


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