Group dynamics

Rectangular seating at group meetings: _____. Select all that apply.

A . creates an uneven flow of communication
B. gives an appearance of authority figures at the ends of the table

C . creates good sight lines for everyone at the table
D . sends a message of equality

What is the first step in the systematic approach to problem solving?

( A ) Analyze the problem.
( B ) Identify possible solutions.
( C ) Define the problem.
( D ) Create the group.

What is the last step in the systematic approach to problem solving?
( A ) Select a solution.
( B ) Monitor the effects.
( C ) Define the problem.
( D ) Implement the solution.

4. Groups whose members think independently are less effective than very cohesive groups whose members do not challenge each other's ideas.

( A) True
( B ) False

Question #5MultipleSelect

Which of the following are task roles? Select all that apply.

A .coordinator
B . critic

C . harmonizer
D . recorder
E . aggressor

Which of the following should you consider when thinking critically about an issue?

( A ) the facts
( B ) your feelings
( C ) the validity of your thought processes
( D ) all of the above

Brainstorming is part of which step in the problem-solving process?

( A ) Analyze the problem.
( B ) Develop creative solutions.
( C ) Identify possible solutions.
( D ) Define the problem.

Which area of individual competence will best encourage interaction and help members feel more comfortable sharing thoughts and feelings?

( A ) critical thinking

( B ) effective listening
( C ) productive conflict
( D ) none of the above


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