Lilith in Taurus inclines towards an extraordinary love for beauty and a great deal of emotional activity. You look for security in a relationship, and like to show off your good taste and good looks. You are easily impressed by gifts and by those who are materially well-off, and will probably achieve the desired material security in a partnership. Conversely however, you may eventually become disillusioned by your material dependence, thus losing a sense of balance in your life as well as your emotional harmony. It is very difficult to change your habits, to free you from your roots. Life will oblige you to break your environment. You will have emotional problems because you will not have the love reassurance you need. Your life will go on through uprooting either leaving the place you love or separations with persons you love. Taurus is known for their tendency to keep turning over their problems on an introspective mode, before solving them. They keep silent about what is worrying them. Here, Black Moon increases inhibition, obstinacy and introversion of the sign. With Scorpio opposite to Taurus, there will be confrontations when the Taurus dreams of peace. Permanent hard life conditions in an inharmonious environment when they do not want to move. Of course they will do their best to calm down the game and to find back again the peace they need, but this will be etremely difficult. If Lilith is between 0) and 2° of Taurus, the choices of life are very important: it is essential to have a deep reflection, to be well integrated in reality and to have impulsitivity under control, in order to build an harmonious life, either in its love part or in the financial field. The native is free to choose, according to their potential and the opportunities they has to adapt themself. The different fields may be lived successively along the life, through Lilith cycles (changes happen every 9 years). If Lilith is between 28° and 30°00 of Taurus, there is a past karmic potential which must be achieved (love relationships for instance), before being able to express the other sides of the personality. Source(s): Lilith is "Black Moon". This offers insight into her significance in the horoscope, where she is interpreted as the unseen feminine aspect of our unconscious mind. Thus Lilith's position in our horoscope tells us about the suppressed shadow-side of our unconscious, and indicates things that are hidden in the shadows, unfulfilled wishes, painful experiences, privation and darkness. Nevertheless, Lilith not only brings death, pain and disaster, but also generates life. Additionally, if the horoscope is for a male, Lilith can point to the woman he fears most or the woman that drives him to despair. The Black Moon Lilith describes our relationship to the absolute, to sacrifice as such, and shows us how we let go. In transit, Black Moon Lilith indicates a form of castration or frustrations, most often in areas of desire, a powerlessness of the psyche, or a general inhibition. It also shows where we question ourselves, our lives, our jobs, and our beliefs. This is important as it gives us the opportunity to let go of something. Black Moon Lilith shows us we can let the entire event flow into ourselves, without putting our ego in the way to resist it. It does not mean you are passive - contrary to it - it symbolizes the firm will to be open and trusting, to let the greater will of the Universe flow through you, trusting that when Lilith is done with this moment of your life, you will be ready for the challenges that comes. To prepare us for this new opportunity, Black Moon Lilith creates the necessary void.. Pozitia lui Lilith aici este legata de lacomie, fie la un nivel material/emotional sau in ceea ce priveste alimentele. Aici avem posesivitate. Este foarte dificil sa ne schimbam obiceiurile, sa ne eliberam de radacinile noastre. Viata ne va obliga sa ne rupem din mediul nostru. Vom avea probleme emotionale pentru ca nu vom mai avea incurajarea iubirii de care avem nevoie. Viata noastra va fi dezradacinata fie prin parasirea locului care ne place sau prin separarea de persoanele iubite. Daca incercarile sunt prea dure,nativul poate fi tentat sa renunte la lupta cu viata. La inceputul vietii, nativul poate ca nu a fost atat de fericit - adesea - un frate sau o sora a fost preferata. El s-a interiorizat si probabil a uitat cea mai mare parte a amintirilor sale din copilarie. Taurul este cunoscut pentru tendinta lui de a-si pastra problemele sale intr-un mod introspectiv, inainte de rezolvarea acestora. El pastreaza tacerea asupra a ceea ce il ingrijoreaza. Aici, Luna Neagra creste inhibitia, incapatanarea si introversiunea semnului. Dificultatile de a-si exprima senzualitatea sau hiper-senzualitate, gelozia puternica. Sentimentele senzuale sunt in acelasi timp foarte puternice si respinse. Trebuie sa invete sa le dea drumul si sa treaca peste teama lui de schimbare, de necunoscut, sa nu isi mai „posede” temerile. De asemenea, interesul sau pentru bani nu este clar: dorinta si refuzul de bani. Uneori el este fascinat de puterea banilor iar alteori renunta la aspectele materiale. De multe ori apar probleme financiare. Toate calitatile Taurului trebuie sa se trezeasca, deoarece semnul dispune de un capital puternic pe care trebuie sa il afiseze si sa il dezvolte: potential artistic, sa creeze o companie, talentele financiare, interes pentru natura. Cu Scorpionul opus Taurului, vor exista confruntari atunci cand Taurul cauta pace. Conditii dificile intr-un mediu dizarmonic atunci cand nu vrea sa se mute. Desigur, el va face tot ce poate pentru a calma jocul si pentru a-si regasi pacea de care are nevoie, dar acest lucru va fi foarte, foarte dificil. De asemenea, el va trebui sa isi depaseasca pasiunea in dragoste. In vietile anterioare, sufletul poate sa fi utilizat energia sexuala intr-o maniera gresita. Astazi, sufletul trebuie sa se reconcilieze cu senzualitatea. Din punct de vedere material, el trebuie sa accepte sa posede, apoi sa piarda, cu intelegerea faptului ca toate aceasta sunt o parte a transformarilor sale interioare. In cazul in care Lilith este intre 0° si 2° din Taur, alegerile vietii sunt foarte importante: este esential sa existe o gandire profunda, sa fie bine integrata in realitate si sa aiba impulsitivitatea sub control, pentru a-si construi o viata armonioasa, fie in din punct de vedere emostional sau financiar. Nativul este liber sa aleaga, in functie de potentialul sau si oportunitatile care ii apar si sa se adapteze. Poate trai succesiv diverse etape de-a lungul vietii conform ciclurilor lui Lilith. (modificarile au loc la fiecare 9 ani). In cazul in care Lilith este intre 28 ° si 30° in Taur, exista un potential (trecut) karmic la care trebuie sa ajunga (relatii de dragoste de exemplu), inainte de a-si exprima alte fete ale personalitatii sale. Cuvinte cheie: posesivitate - gelozie - inhibitie – incapatanare.


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