Women with Lilith in Libra especially seek to seduce men, using all available means. They are proud, they know the meaning of a lovely, bouncy walk, and body talk is their specialty, for they know very well that every move has a hidden meaning. When they feel helpless or rejected, they can be ruthless, capable of anything just in order to, if they themselves can not be happy, spoil someone else’s happiness. A person with LI in Libra will suffer a lot through life because of injustice, since she sees herself as a fighter for social justice and equality. She will often be accused by others or she will experience some sort of defeat, breakdown of ambitions and desires since the attention that is given to her still isn’t enough. For each of her actions she finds justification since she sees herself as extremely just, similar to the egyptian Maat or Blindfolded Justice. Lilith in Libra truly sees the truth with her inner eye. She aspires to connect the opposite sides, to reconcile opposite principles that are seemingly ireconcilable (Nelson Mandela had Lilith positioned here). These people are prone to media, they are inclined to diplomacy, professionals that exert their influence over others, over the masses, they are good public speakers, popular, especially if they are in the mass media (Oprah Winfrey). A public life is essential, they can not live without an audience and others, so seclusion and a sort of creative dedication is non existant here. Everything is just a glamorous desire for applause and accepting the love of a partner, family, friends and the entire world. This person has, however, a pronounced sensuality and artistic talent that pertains mostly to acting, music and dance (John Travolta, Eric Clapton, Ricky Martin, Kim Basinger, Albert Finney, Winona Ryder), as well as politics, diplomacy (Mata Hari managed to unite all of it, skillfully balancing between two opposing sides). This person may seem strong on the outside, but inside things stand on quite wobbly legs. Lilith in Libra will be a positive influence only when the person manages to develop an uncompromising faith and love toward the whole of humanity and pulls away from her greatest sin – laziness. Only when she becomes ready to, wholeheartedly act for others, without constantly obssessing over her own whims, she will discover perfect peace and the essence of primal love, without yearning for accolades from the entire world (Nikola Tesla). The main goal here is therefore to accept others without denying their own identity. Sometimes they are inclined to burden themselves with various memberships, groups, associations and other means of actively living a public life, while their private life suffers and then they condemn themselves to long solitudes denying the meaning of marriage and commitment. Also, because she is overly focused on the world around her, this person often projects her own whims on the environment by condemning what she sees in others. She will force justice and her convictions at all cost. In a partnership she will act strangely, putting up boundaries and rules of behaviour at the very onset. Almost regularly her partner will be a possessive and extremely difficult person, someone who is her complete opposite, who will prove his commitment through impulsive and agressive behaviour, and unreasonable reactions that will further undermine her self confidence and certainty in the existence of constant emotions. And the bigger the insecurity, the greater and more obsessive is the need to be adored and loved in this way, to be possessed, the object of another’s love, passion, desire and yearning. This is exactly how these people think, especially women who sooner or later sail into the net of a crafty seducer, experienced and charming man, who often times beside him already has another woman when he appears in their life. These are also women of fatal beauty which can, at some point in time, be their detriment, either because of a jealous husband or a maniac that may overtake them. Especially problems of a sexual nature spoil harmony and then a mutual consious hurting and mistreating takes place, especially in the generation 71/72 since they have in the same sign the planets UR and PL that will only intensify the influence of LI. Often times one person is not enough to fullfill the need for love of these people, so there is always a chance for some new love, countless little affairs in which they will to the utmost try to fascinate, charm and seduce the other side. Paralyzed at the beginning, the person must find ways to express her emotions without fear of pain. Every nine years there comes a new opportunity to achieve this, through new relationships and relations, greater life changes that, each in its own way, enable easier self expression. Lilith in Libra may find herself concerned with the legalistic side of power. She is a defender of women here, supportive of laws that curtail abuse or sexual crimes. taken to extremes, she may be vindictive against those she perceives to be offenders & in a relationship may be clinging, jealous and/or manipulative. You like to flirt & manipulate your fellow beings with well-meaning intention. You break up, or let break, relationships because you vary between commitment & autonomy urges. You don't want to admit to being wrong about your conceptions concerning other people, or you don't want to see their true character. You may consider yourself completely different, contrary to others or completely misjudged. You have wisdom & intuition, as well as psychological & musical ability, but you may be aunaware of it. You desire emotional loyalty from your life partner & you want to be accepted emotionally. You probably have very high standards & requirements in partnerships. Aici este vorba de dificultatea de a se plasa sine in raport cu ceilalti, de a-si gasi drumul - comportamentul - si cuvintele potrivite in fiecare relatie. Din punctul de vedere al relatiilor, Balanta inseamna armonie. Trebuie gasit echilibrul intre sine si altii (altele). A-i accepta pe altii fara a se nega pe sine. Notiunea de cuplu - asociere - are o valoare importanta, ale carei lectii sunt concilierea, intelegerea si defensiva. Vor fi o multime de probleme legate de cuplu sau asocieri. Desi nativul are nevoie de armonie in viata sa si doreste sa astearna pace in relatiile sale - de multe ori chiar in detrimentul sau – celalalt decide pentru el. In acelasi timp, nativul nu se poate afirma el insusi si nu poate trai fara altcineva. De multe ori isi percepe partenerul (asociatul) ca pe un invadator a lumii sale private dar nu poate sa isi organizeze legaturile. Aceasta lipsa de incredere in sine il obliga sa sufere. Chiar daca se simte nefericit, evitarea confruntarii nu este o idee buna. Pe de alta parte, pentru a se proteja unii pot reactiona violent, impulsiv intr-un moment nepotrivit. Nu exista nici un loc pentru propria sa vointa, ale altora vor fi mai puternice. Nativul va trebui sa treaca prin incercari deoarece ceialalti nu ii vor permite sa se exprime sau i se vor opune chiar si atunci cand stie care adreptate si ca ceialalti gresesc. Si totusi, el trebuie sa se stapaneasca si pur si simplu sa ii accepte pe ceilalti asa cum sunt. Sa daruiasca fara motive ulterioare, sa fie subiectul dorintei altora, sa puna propriile sale dorinte la o parte - aici sunt o parte din lectiile pe care nativul va trebui sa le invete inainte de a va avea posibilitatea de a-si exprima vointa sa. Mai mult decat atat, Luna Neagra in Balanta poate dezvolta o indecizie patologica: nativul s-ar putea ca niciodata sa nu ia o decizie. Prin urmare, el va trebui sa isi clarifice pozitiile si sa le afirme fara ambiguitate chiar daca se creaza situatii incomode. Deoarece alegerile vietii sale sunt luate la nivelul subconstientului, el nu poate sa le explice si nu suporta sa fie obligat sa astepte si sa aiba rabdare. El va trebui sa isi sacrifice anumite valori, sa pastreze doar esentialul. Semnele de aer au tendinta de a-si rationaliza emotiile. Pentru ca iubeste pacea, Balanta are grija sa nu fie supusa emotiilor. Cu Lilith aici, Balanta se refugiaza in indiferenta si insensibilitate. Pericolul aici este de a sta intr-un turn de fildes. Berbecul opus Balantei, il va obliga sa rezolve problemele. Ego-ul trebuie sa isi gaseasca locul sau printre ceilalti. Paralizat la inceput, nativul trebuie sa gaseasca mediul fericit in relatia sa daca vrea sa se exprime. La fiecare ciclu de 9 ani, incepe un alt tip de relatie care va trece prin schimbari in viata permitandu-i o mai buna auto-exprimare. Deci, ego-ul despre care s-a dezbatut atat de mult la inceput se va afirma treptat. Chiar daca el viseaza la „o alta lume”, nativul trebuie sa traiasca realitatea de zi cu zi, ceea ce i se ofera si trebuie sa mentina in permanenta stabilitatea, echilibrul intre a fi rabdator, respectuos, cooperant cu altii si timiditatea si sensibilitatea lui. S-ar putea sa aiba talente artistice pe care sa le foloseasca sau sa aiba o meserie in care spiritul de conciliere este necesar. Exprimarea personala va fi intotdeauna legat de relatiile interumane. In vietile anterioare, sufletul se poate sa fi abuzat de putere sociala pe care a avut-o si a fost nedrept. Pe de alta parte, s-ar putea sa fi avut de suferit de pe urma nedreptatii. Exista aici o trauma legata de echitate si pozitie sociala. Suflet s-ar putea sa fi avut de ales intre rebeliune si supunere. Astazi nativul poate fi obligat sa indure situatii care il vor duce sa isi clarifice pozitia, sa ia parte sau sa refuze puterea sociala. De asemenea, el poate avea o datorie karmica fata de justitie sau trebui sa indure o nedreptate care-l va obliga sa se schimbe. In cazul in care Lilith este la inceputul Balantei, nativul trebuie sa isi gaseasca calea singur, sa invate cum sa fie cu ceilalti fara a se subestima, intr-o co-operare cu ei ca egali. In aceste cazuri, asocierile vor fi de cea mai mare importanta. Ele nu trebuie sa fie pe de tipul dominatiilor. In cazul in care Lilith este chiar la sfarsitul Balantei, modificari din viata sunt fie interne sau externe. Pozitia lui Venus pozitie si casa in care se afla Luna Neagra, il vor ajuta sa inteleaga procesul si rezultatele probabile. Vor fi renuntari, sacrificii de sine pe care nu trebuie sa le traiasca ca si frustrari, ci ca detasarea necesara pentru evolutia sa. Cuvinte cheie: dificultati in uniuni, asocieri si intalniri - tendinta de de a refuza conventiile sociale - egoismul - magnetismul - frustrare - snobism - dorinte nesatisfacute - o mare putere asupra altora – probleme de sanatate (nefrita) - vaduvie


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