!Chiron is associated with the emotional wounds we receive early on in our lives. The sign Chiron is in will dominate but the house placing will show in which area the personality is motivated and into which they will put their efforts. In the fourth house, it may indicate an insecure early family life, so much so that feelings of abandonment or being the 'black sheep' persist. A lack of self- confidence may make you think doing anything with your life is a waste of time. You probably have a lot of time for other people and have great empathy. Try to bring out the unique you by using this feeling of being 'different'. Well, just about everyone had some trouble or other in childhood with their parents. Chiron in the 4th house will just make it a little more noticeable. The home itself would tend to be an issue here. Perhaps one is so busy outside the home that they cannot spend much time there, or their work forces them to travel and be away frequently. The father is more likely to have been chronically ill, away from home, or emotionally unavailable. Perhaps there could be a "don't feel at home anywhere" attitude. Chiron in the 4th house might work out in other ways as well. This placement could conceivably show a person who can help everyone else with their home, while their own place is a wreck. Taurus is the sign of money and resources and it shows our ability to possess things. It also shows what we instinctively value, including ourselves. This is the sign that gives us our gut level sense of self-worth. Chiron here can give us a miser's urge to hold on to every penny while denying ourselves any of life's pleasures, or a rejection of "those low, materialistic values" and, consequently, a life of poverty. And guess what? Deep down inside, both are the same. They both deny themselves pleasure and enjoyment because they don't value themselves. Of course, as always with Chiron, there is the ability to give good advise to everyone else concerning their material needs and sense of self worth. People with Chiron in Taurus have to learn how to enjoy the basic physical pleasures of life. They won't be able to do this, however, until they deal with their damaged sense of self-worth. CHIRON IN CASA III !Chiron is associated with the emotional wounds we receive early on in our lives. The sign Chiron is in will dominate but the house placing will show in which area the personality is motivated and into which they will put their efforts. In the third house it may indicate, perhaps unintentional, criticism by parents or siblings about the way you expressed yourself, producing a lack of self- confidence. There may have been some injury to your voice or you may have been too shy to speak. Your thoughts and words may take time to be expressed so as to be correct. Any errors you make will be excused so as not to appear to be in the wrong. Do not let yourself be hampered by technicalities, and learn to admit to mistakes. If you don't have any brothers or sisters, you may experience this Chiron placement as a lack, a hole in your life. If you do, then there could be continual problems with at least one sibling. This is a good placement for a voice coach or speech therapist. It is likely that you will be able to teach others to speak better than you do. This placement tends to increase the chance of communication problems of one sort or another. No, it does not guarantee a speech defect. Instead, there could be problems with making oneself understood. In some cases, this could indicate that one wasn't listened to as a child. That could trigger a lifelong quest to "make others listen to me." However, no matter how much they do, there is frequently a feeling that "they are still not listening." The problem is that no matter how much they listen to you now, it doesn't get rid of the pain you felt in childhood when they didn't. Mercury/Chiron stress aspects are likely to produce the same result. Recognizing this is a first step to leaving the pain behind.


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