North Node in house

North Node in Aries and/or in the First House
With North Node in Aries, our South Node is in Libra. With North Node in the first house, our South Node is in the seventh house.
Co-dependency, indecisiveness, and a tendency for problems in one-to-one relationships are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to learn to love ourselves, to trust our instincts, to lead without fear. We tend to fall back on co-dependent relationships due to a fear of independence and of standing alone. We are indecisive and don't trust our instincts. We fear expressing our independent wishes and asserting ourselves because we prefer the comfort of being considered "good" people. Learning to act on our impulses, which implies a certain amount of self-confidence, is one of the lessons of this position. Learning that we can in fact live alone, which is a big fear of this position, will bring us to a point where we can offer ourselves to others in one-to-one partnership in a more balanced, healthy manner. Striving for internal peace, rather than focusing on achieving peace and balance in relationships, will improve our relationships and bring us happiness and satisfaction.
North Node in Taurus and/or in the Second House
With North Node in Taurus, our South Node is in Scorpio. With North Node in the second house, our South Node is in the eighth house.
A tendency to define our own worth and values in terms of our significant others, to be wrapped up in the needs of others at the expense of our own needs, and to attract confusing and intense life situations at the expense of comfort and peace are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to discover our own values, to depend on ourselves and to establish our self-worth through our own efforts, and to enjoy life's more serene moments without the unconscious need to create crises. We may invest too much time and energy into supporting others at the expense of our own comfort and needs. We cannot develop our self-worth through others alone—it needs to come from within. Learning to define our goals based on our own values, and then to work toward achieving them in a patient manner, will help us achieve more happiness and inner balance.
North Node in Gemini and/or in the Third House
With North Node in Gemini, our South Node is in Sagittarius. With North Node in the third house, our South Node is in the ninth house.
A tendency to hold beliefs and opinions without gathering the facts, to being self-righteous and running roughshod over others' feelings, to rushing through life and possessing excess nervous energy, and to lack tact in our relationships with others are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we easily crack under imagined pressures, and we are too often in a hurry for fear that our freedom will be curtailed if we stop long enough to gather facts and consider the details of everyday life. We need to learn to listen to others so that we discover the value of true communication and exchange, and to see both sides of a situation instead of throwing out dogma at others. We want to have meaningful and intelligent exchanges with others, and we want to teach others as well. But in order for us to succeed with these things, we need to learn that true learning and exchanges can only come when we listen to others. Learning to slow down, to be sensitive to social graces and networks, and to sensitize ourselves to others' needs and communications without fear of being tied down, will release us from some of our nervous tension and help us achieve more happiness and inner balance.
North Node in Cancer and/or in the Fourth House
With North Node in Cancer, our South Node is in Capricorn. With North Node in the fourth house, our South Node is in the tenth house.
A tendency to feel the need to be in control, to take responsibilities too seriously, and to be rigid and fearful of being dependent on others are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to let go of our tendency to over-manage our lives and others' lives, to relax our standards of perfection and achievement, and to avoid falling victim to living through the eyes of society instead of valuing our own personal (as opposed to professional/status) achievements. Being dependent on others is a fear, but only when we release some of our need to be in control will we achieve our goals in our professional lives. We need to work on allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, exposing some of our insecurities and personal needs without fear, and making time for our home and family life. By working on our inner foundation and our "base", success will ricochet back to our public and professional lives. By allowing ourselves to follow our personal instincts, rather than be driven by our ambitions, we can achieve greater happiness, balance, and fulfillment in all areas of life.
North Node in Leo and/or in the Fifth House
With North Node in Leo, our South Node is in Aquarius. With North Node in the fifth house, our South Node is in the eleventh house.
A tendency to rely on others who may let us down, to come across as impersonal or distant in our dealings with others, to be fearful of being the center of attention and standing out as an individual, to fear taking risks, and to fall back on peers and community at the expense of our own individuality are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to avoid falling into the easy trap of worrying about what others think about us. Instead, we need to strike out in our own individual and creative path without fear. We need to make a conscious effort to deal with others in a more personal, involved, and loving manner, rather than falling back on reason and intellect which detaches us from our feelings. We can easily alienate others when we over-emphasize equality to the point that we won't acknowledge individuals' uniqueness. We can too easily lose touch with our own heart by rationalizing our feelings, and become overly involved with other people's problems at the expense of our inner needs for attention. Learning to take personal risks, which requires a certain amount of self-confidence, will help us to achieve inner balance and happiness.
North Node in Virgo and/or in the Sixth House
With North Node in Virgo, our South Node is in Pisces. With North Node in the sixth house, our South Node is in the twelfth house.
A tendency to avoid dealing with the details and practicalities of everyday life, to lead a rather haphazard and unorganized existence, to avoid formulating clear goals, and to put too much faith in a grand plan while neglecting practical concerns are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to work on developing some healthy and practical routines and schedules. Otherwise, we may be victim of vague worries and anxieties. Winging life is fine to an extent, but without clear goals and some orderliness, we can easily feel like we are not in control of our lives. With this position, we have great compassion for others. Taken too far, however, we risk getting used. Our goal should be to establish limits for others and ourselves, to develop a more focused mind and orderliness that will empower us with confidence in ourselves and our lives, to develop systems that will help us to be more productive, and to pay attention to deadlines, details, and rules that will enrich our lives. By structuring our lives, we will be able to come closer to achieving our dreams.
With North Node in Libra, our South Node is in Aries. With North Node in the seventh house, our South Node is in the first house.
A tendency to rely on the self so much as to alienate important others in our lives, to be excessively competitive to the point of a me-first attitude, to take things personally, and to be impatient, rash, and impulsive at the expense of personal happiness are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to work on sensitizing ourselves to the needs of others, to learn tact and cooperation, to put ourselves in another's shoes, and to let go of an overwhelming self-consciousness that is blocking our desire to win. We are often afraid of the demands that a partner might put on us, and we don't naturally look for feedback, preferring to act on the moment—on our own hunches and impulses. But for however hard we push ourselves, our plans will be blocked until we stop to consider the other side. We tend to go it alone, often passing up opportunities for growth because we are too focused on our own personal survival. Our impulses and instincts are overloaded, lacking in perspective, and acting upon them will often bring us strife—that is, until we learn to look at the other side, perhaps through the eyes of another. Through partnership, and through cooperation with others, we will attain the inner balance necessary for us to achieve our goals.
North Node in Scorpio and/or in the Eighth House
With North Node in Scorpio, our South Node is in Taurus. With North Node in the eighth house, our South Node is in the second house.
A tendency to be overly self-reliant and set in our ways, to cling to our possessions (material and otherwise) and habits, to be too fearful of crisis and overly focused on security, and to attempt to achieve success through sheer will rather than listening to our sixth sense are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to loosen the grasp we have on the things and people around us and open ourselves up to our soul's need for transformation, change, and regeneration. We may experience difficulties in partnerships because we tend to be blind to others' values and worth, expecting them to share the same values as us. We, in fact, not only need a partner, we need to learn the value of true partnership and intimacy (sharing) in order to gain the security we so crave! But, first we need to move away from our instincts to support ourselves, and towards sharing with significant others. We may fear taking chances and we tend to resist change as well as input from others. We may find ourselves imprisoned by the world of the five senses, and need to learn to fearlessly confront the possibility of crisis and change in our lives. Moving out of the seemingly solid and stable material world can seem intimidating. But clinging to things and people that are either outdated, limiting, or counter to our growth will steer us in the wrong direction. Releasing ourselves from our attachment to doing things our own way will help us find inner balance and satisfaction.
North Node in Sagittarius and/or in the Ninth House
With North Node in Sagittarius, our South Node is in Gemini. With North Node in the ninth house, our South Node is in the third house.
A tendency to be overwhelmed by information overload, to be mentally over-stimulated to the point of not being able to make effective decisions, to be bound by logic and swamped in details at the expense of our intuition, and to miss the "big picture" are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, it can be difficult to commit ourselves to any one thing. We need to learn to trust our inner guide—our intuition—in order to uncover more meaning to our lives. Our decisions tend to lead us astray, as we rely too heavily on logic and miss out on the exciting adventures generated from the thrill and satisfaction of following a hunch or a vision. We need to allow ourselves to believe in something that doesn't necessarily make sense, but that frees us from mental anxiety and stress. When we don't commit ourselves to something, we run the risk of appearing superficial or flighty to others. Worst of all, the passion of true discovery eludes us, and we cannot feel whole or satisfied. When we don't have the faith to know who we are and what we believe, even without knowing, we will never come across as sincere or truthful. We cannot inspire others to have faith in us when we do not have faith in ourselves. When we act bravely and impulsively, working on intuition and faith, we free ourselves from the inner turmoil of doubt and too much logic, and find an inner balance that enriches our lives and our souls.
North Node in Capricorn and/or in the Tenth House
With North Node in Capricorn, our South Node is in Cancer. With North Node in the tenth house, our South Node is in the fourth house.
A tendency to be overly attached to our childhood and past, to be dependent on others and avoid accepting responsibility for our lives, to fear rejection to an extreme thereby missing opportunities, and to be overly focused on emotional problems are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to take charge of our lives and accept responsibility for our actions. We may too easily blame our past or focus on our insecurities and emotional difficulties instead of moving forward and learning to depend on ourselves. We want to feel secure more than anything, but security can only come once we let go of our dependencies and carve out a life that reflects a true feeling of responsibility to ourselves as well as to others. We are more aware of our emotions than most people, but in order to grow, we must learn to strike a balance between sensitivity and responsibility. We cannot use our sensitivity as a crutch, although we may spend the first half of our life trying to do so! Recognition will come, at some point in our journey, that clinging to the comforts of childhood will in fact hold us back from achieving a comfortable future! By defining solid goals and a mature direction in our lives, as well as letting go of some of our over-attachment to our childhood, we will be able to achieve the financial and emotional security that we so crave.
North Node in Aquarius and/or in the Eleventh House
With North Node in Aquarius, our South Node is in Leo. With North Node in the eleventh house, our South Node is in the fifth house.
A tendency to become overly attached to the drama of romance and personal relationships, to be willful and overly focused on getting what we want, and to resist being "one of the crowd" in an effort to stand out as unique and special, are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to let go of our fears in relationships by offering freedom to our partners instead of expecting our partners to act as we want them to act, to accept that we are all equal and that we can still be special if we belong to a community, to move towards greater impartiality, and to cultivate sensitivity to the needs of others. By letting go of the strong desire of getting what we want in the here and now, satisfaction will come more easily as we find that we get what we need. Our personal relationships and romances will suffer when we take things too personally, and expect others to follow a certain script that we have unconsciously written for them. Learning to let go of the need for drama and attention, and moving towards a more objective approach to our lives, as well as cultivating true friendships, will help us to achieve a greater sense of balance. Our relationships with others—as well as our relationship with ourselves—will benefit.
North Node in Pisces and/or in the Twelfth House
With North Node in Pisces, our South Node is in Virgo. With North Node in the twelfth house, our South Node is in the sixth house.
A tendency to worry unremittingly, to be plagued by vague (and sometimes not so vague) feelings of guilt about under-performing, to lack faith and trust in a larger more spiritual plan, and to over-analyze ourselves and others are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to put some faith in spiritual powers or the "big picture", to let go of some of our fears that we are not doing enough, to love ourselves and others with more compassion and understanding, and to be humble, feeling safe in the knowledge that we (and others) are not perfect. We need to trust and develop our imagination, as well as our capacity for compassion. Learning to let go of some of our obsessions with rules, details, and fears of not doing things perfectly will help us to achieve a greater sense of balance and to ease our fear of failure and guilty feelings.