Changes for a better educational system

Here are some important steps that other governments, for example, from UK  are helping the educational system. We know that in Romania we have to deal with a lot, especially private schools have to work a lot to meet the needs of education. Now I let you decide by yourself what are those differences. These steps would reform the educational system in Romania

  1. A broad curriculum up to age 14 with opportunities to develop life skills and experience a range of future options. Life skills such as team work, problem solving and enterprise should be explicitly taught and assessed through practical activities linked to academic subjects and vocational areas.  There should be a new emphasis on direct experience of future options, including visits to workplaces, colleges and universities, and hearing at first hand from people, who have already made career and learning choices. 
  2. SATS replaced by an individual profile of attainment, skills and aptitudes which would be used by students, parents and teachers to choose a post 14 pathway.  In order to make choices parents and students need to understand a student’s strengths and aspirations.  The profile built up over their time in school would help students, their parents and teachers discuss the next steps.
  3. At 14 all students, in addition to continuing a broad curriculum, including English, maths and science, would be supported in choosing a pathway matched to their interest and abilities, each with a different balance of theoretical and practical learning.  For some the pathway will be largely academic and theory-based; for many it will be a blend of theory and practice, connecting new knowledge and skills with the wider world; and for some it will be centred on practical learning.  The emphasis will be on breadth and keeping options open for young people while allowing them to pursue their interest in depth.
  4. Students on practical and vocational courses would be taught in specialist facilities or specialist institutions and by appropriately experienced staff.  This will ensure students are motivated and receive an excellent professional education.  There will be many more specialist institutions, the nature of which would be determined locally.  Teachers of vocational subjects would be appropriately experienced, trained and receive the same pay and conditions as those teaching academic subjects.
  5. At 16, students would choose to specialise within their pathway, change to another pathway or enter employment with training.  For example students on the engineering pathway might specialise in electrical engineering.  Some students might choose to leave full time education and start an apprenticeship.
  6. Beyond 18, students would have the opportunity to study at degree level in a centre of vocational excellence endorsed by employers.  This would raise the status of vocational learning, and provide clear progression routes, while improving the employability of the students. 
Teaching Times


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