Hurray...I can use my TESOL Certificate

Becoming a TESOL certified teacher is the gateway to teaching English as a second language in high quality schools by being a high-quality teacher making a higher quantity salary.

 Even though you mightnot be a native English speaker, do you know you phonemes and your third conditional from your first?

It’s likely that your students and colleagues will. Perhaps at first they’ll understand as you make light the fact that most native English speakers don’t learn too much about phonetics or grammar in school, however a TESOL certification course will at least prepare you to be familiar with some of these concepts and best practices for managing tricky classroom questions.

If you are a non-native English speaker who is interested in teaching English as a second language, a TESOL certificate is almost a requirement for most teaching jobs abroad.

 While your quality of English will likely be assessed in an interview with your future employer, the TESOL certificate has become an international standard when it comes to the actual practice teaching English overseas.

 Other that the more technical aspects of teaching English, your TESOL certificate will give you more practical tips for classroom discipline management, engaging your students in fun activities, and even some hands-on student teaching experience before you step in front of your first solo-class.

An Italian adventure is awaiting for me!


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