Learning is Natural

Babies come out of the womb, and they want to learn. Some people describe this as a survival instinct, whatever they want to learn. As babies get older they still want to learn as they become young children - still survival? Part of the way education was ruined by the western middle-classes in the 60s was because educationalists recognised that children wanted to learn. And they recognised that a Natural way of learning was by discovery, and then, as is often the case with idealism, the mind lost control the ideals gained ascendancy and education suffered as discovery learning was not implemented successfully. And many traditionally accepted learning practices were lost. Whatever happened discovery learning became a mistake, and future generations are paying for an education system that had lost discipline and Virtue. Nature's Wisdom was listened to only in part. Somehow learning has to be restored to the process Nature intended; and of course that has to be difficult as Nature did...