Why do we care who is giving us an advice?


We care who is giving us advice because the source of advice often influences its perceived value and trustworthiness. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Credibility: We tend to trust advice from people who have experience or expertise in the area we're seeking guidance. If someone is knowledgeable, their advice feels more reliable.

  2. Relationship: Advice from someone who knows us well, like a friend or family member, might carry more weight because they understand our personal situation better.

  3. Motivation: We consider the motives behind the advice. Is the person genuinely trying to help, or do they have their own agenda? We’re more likely to heed advice from someone we believe has our best interests at heart.

  4. Perspective: Different people offer different perspectives. We might value advice from someone who shares our values or someone who provides a new point of view we hadn't considered.

  5. Experience: We often value advice from those who have "been there, done that." If someone has successfully navigated a similar situation, we feel their advice is based on real-world experience, making it more applicable to our own lives.

  6. Respect and Admiration: We’re more likely to follow advice from people we respect or admire. Their opinions matter to us, so their advice does too.

In essence, the person giving the advice matters because it helps us assess how much we should trust and act on what they say.


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